Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday MamaJoan!

Today is my BFF, MamaJoan's birthday. We celebrated last night at our every Friday Night Stitching extravaganza.

I had always hoped that someday we would have been paired up in the Fair and Square exchange as I had the perfect pattern to stitch for Joan. It never happened and now that I run that blog I figure it never will because even if it honestly did turn out that way, it would look like it was fixed. Soooooo, I stitched Joan, birthday squares.

I gave Joan a couple of trinkets also but did not take a picture. You can hop over to her blog later and see them and all the other goodies she received.


Maren said...

Lovely birthday square! She's going to love this!

Cathy B said...

It was a great party; thanks for organizing it Jill!

lynda said...

What a pretty square!
Please come visit my blog./..I have something for you there.