I debated for some time as to what to stitch. I decided on a piece of mailart. I Google'd New Years to give me ideas as to what to stitch. Different cities/countries from around the world came up. I think these are where they have the biggest celebrations or it has to do with the time zones. Anyway, I created like a crossword puzzle with these locations and added some icons. On the flap I stitched a champagne bottle with the cap off with "Happy New Year" coming out of it. And on the front I stitched a clock that says 12:01.
Here is the front:

Here is the back:
Here is the rest of the exchange I sent her:
Now, for what I received from Missy. She saw on my blog that I had just finished the LK double flips and figured that I must like LK. So, she stitched LK's Happy New Year and made it into a bourse. This was her first bourse finish and she did a beautiful job. I have yet to make one of these, but I will soon (now that I have a running sewing machine). Anyway, she found some very cute Japanese clock printed fabric to finish it with. She stitched a fob using the clock from LK's "Is it Too Late To Be Good?" and a pinkeep using the "J" from LK's ABCrazy, both using the same clock fabric for finishing. She did something very unique on the fob, she attached a watch face--very clever. I like it. She says she couldn't find and cording/ribbon to match very well, so she decided to try out the cord maker she had bought some time ago. These were her first "homemade" cords also. And the buttons on the bourse, they are from a stash of vintage/antique buttons her mother had collected. They are called calico buttons and they are oh, so cute! I just love all of it!
Missy also sent me a pattern from my wish list, some hedgehog clips and ribbon, and the peacock scissors shown above on the fob.
Thank you so much Missy! This was a very fun exchange.

So glad that your mailart arrived!
Great exchanges both sent and received!
A wonderful exchange on both sides. I love the bourse very much. I received my very first bourse in in exchange myself a couple of weeks ago. They are such a great way of finishing.
Beautiful exchanges!
Hi Jill
Thank you for your beautiful wishes for my birthday, thank you for participating, and good luck ..... second ... when you go to my blog can close my eyes .. vera and wondered how my blog .. good question .. well then try not to show much ..
Wow! What a beautiful pair of exchanges. I love your creative mail art.
Hi Jill,
That was a very nice exchange on both sides. You both dd a great job and I know you will both enjoy everything.
Both exchanges are so lovely! I love your mailart - very pretty1
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